We took the kids to the Washington County Fair, the kids had a blast at the carnival! Austin wasn't much up for rides but once we made him go on one of the good ones he was hooked! We had to bribe him to stop so he wouldn't throw up. Charlie on the other hand was bored with the Ferris wheel and had to do all the big rides with the boys. I know she was scared but she wouldn't admit it. The look on her face was priceless. Unfortunately I lost my card that all the pictures where on. Hopefully it will turn up soon. After the rides we went to watch the demolition derby. It was good but all my kids could talk about was the astro van making the jump! We hope to go back next year but hopefully Uncle Kris will be driving a car so we have somebody we know to cheer for.
This last weekend was western legends. I helped Thempi Jo tend Danielle's kids. We took them to the High Noon parade. I'm not sure how the kids liked it. Karter just kept telling me it was hot. I let them buy tickets for the bounce houses and all of a sudden it wasn't so hot anymore. After we walked through the booths we decided to take all the kids and go swimming at the zion ponderosa resort. I made Aunt Thempi help with this one. The kids all had fun. Maddie learned that she could go down the big slide without her floaties. She was so proud of herself. Charlie swam under water more than halve of the length of the pool. Her butt was in the air most of the time so I think she would of made it farther but it seemed to be slowing her down. She is such a fish and has no fear of the water so you really have to watch her close. As you can tell from the pictures Karter did not have a good time. He was convinced he couldn't do anything without his floaties. Uncle Eric tried his hardest to let him hold him and take him to the deep end and he wasn't haven't it. Finally before we left we Eric took him down the slide kicking and screaming. When he got back out of the water he had a big smile on his face. Then we went back to nana and papa's house and had a great dinner. My kids were so tired they were asleep before we got out of the driveway.
Austin is playing 5th and 6th grade football this year in kanab. I am not sure when his first game will be but stay tuned for pictures and updates on the season!!